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Samantha - THC

BSI - Associate Consultant

As part of our commitment to delivering our the clients the best possible systems, we work closely with several UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies.

Out of all of the Certification Bodies our clients work with, we find BSI to be most effective in delivering the added value our clients deserve. With an ever growing UK and Global presence, BSI have been working closely with us to ensure that our clients get some of the highest quality assessments we have ever come across.

To ensure that we deliver at a level that effectively supports BSI's and our own clients, THC have become proud members of The BSI - Associate Consultant Programme (ACP) and awarded our certificate.

We would like to thank BSI for continuing to work with THC. With our combined experience, we look forward to being able to continually improve the systems we help them implement.

If you would like to find out more about the difference THC can make to your businesses certification process, please get in touch through

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