After having many years of successfully helping companies to improve their Health & Safety systems, it's time for a bit of a shake up.

Safety is a critical part of any business and OHSAS18001 has been a valuable tool for many of clients. Giving them a framework for managing their Health & Safety requirements, as part of the overall business improvement programs. Now, with the continuing roll out of the Annex SL format, the integration of effective Health & Safety Management is easier than ever before. ISO45001 is now available as a migration from your existing OHSAS, or as a part of your integrated management system, and THC have already applied our "back to basics" approach to help get your business up to speed.
Those of you who are already familiar with our exceptionally popular RMS suite, will no doubt be wondering how we can expand it to meet your requirements under this new standard. Using the same methodical approach of Aspect, Impact, Effect & Control review, we can give you a clear picture of the real risk levels your business and it's interested parties face from day to day.
Those of you who haven't had a chance to work with our RMS suite, where have you been hiding? Come and ask us for a free introduction to how we can bring your systems inline with your business need.
Health & Safety doesn't have to be a headache for businesses (large or small) we are ready to help you get right up to date and stay there!